How we helped
Dayspring estimates that as many as 65,000 of the 1 million children born between 2001 and 2017 (1 out of 15) may have had their normal development and future seriously compromised due to mental distress and attachment issues occurring in their first three years of life. We created an engaging website to attract funds and sponsors to Dayspring’s cause and emphasise the importance of the work they do to positively influence the pathways for women and their families/whanau.

We made the donation process as easy as possible. You can donate any amount of money you want just with one-click. Using Stripe’s meticulously designed APIs and unmatched functionality, all payments are processed right away and the Dayspring’s team can see the database of their sponsors.
Working with vulnerable mothers faced with mental health challenges for three decades now, Dayspring services shine new light on how their client-mothers can develop and maintain secure attachments (or bonds) between their child and themselves. We designed a printable Case For Support to give Dayspring’s sponsors more of inside information about how Dayspring helps bringing the necessary change to Kiwi families.